detoxify your home

Tips to Detoxify Your Home

Detoxify Your HomeWe all know how important it is to rid our bodies of toxins. Clean eating and clean living make you glow with positive energy. But it’s just as important to detoxify your home environment and freshen up the air you breathe every day.

Our homes are full of toxins, and even if you live green and keep a squeaky-clean house, allergens and irritants from cleaners, paints, pesticides and other chemical products can linger in the air long after they’re gone. Here’s a guide to making sure the air you breathe is as pure and healthy as it can be.

Kick Your Shoes Off

The easiest way to keep your house clean is to keep dirt from getting inside in the first place. Your shoes walk through an unbelievable amount of grime every day, and they also bring in pollen, mud and germs. In winter, you can add toxic ice melts to the mix.


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