How Organizing Helps Your Personal Life

DeclutteringIf you want to improve your personal life and your relationships, you’ll have to take a closer look at your patterns and habits. More than likely, there are things you’ve been doing that have brought you to the point you’re at today. If you don’t like what you see, know that you have the power to change what you see. One of the most practical ways to improve your personal life and your relationships is through decluttering.

Decluttering can help you improve through the following ways.

1. Decluttering Helps You to Prioritize

What do you need? Get clear on how you want to feel. Think about the goals you’d like to reach. Think about the way you currently feel. Then, create a pathway to help you get there. From a decluttering standpoint, it’s best to prioritize by the level of importance and practicality. If you’re staring at the same pile of papers on the kitchen countertop, sort through them.

Take time to look at which bills you need to open and the junk mail you need to throw out. Think about your friendships. Do you need fifteen friends that bring their own amount of stress? Would you prefer to manage six rich, deep friendships instead? How many friendships do you truly need? Do you need three cars in the driveway? How can you downsize, save money and clear out debt? When you’re decluttering, it’s always helpful to look at your needs versus your wants.

2. Decluttering Helps You to Recognize

When you’re looking at your relationships, decluttering can help you recognize the people who are truly going to be fruitful to your desired life. They’ll help you as you help them. You’ll be able to recognize the symbiotic relationships from parasitic relationships.

3. Decluttering Helps You to Gain Clarity

When you’re able to prioritize and recognize the clutter in your life, you’ll gain a new sense of clarity. This is because you’ll be able to understand more of the steps you’ll need to take as you improve your life. If your financial life is filled with countless unpaid debts and bills, as you declutter, you’ll get clear about the bills that need to be paid.
Once you’re able to put an exact number on the amount of debt you have, you’ll be able to construct a plan of attack. Knowledge truly is power when you’re trying to declutter.

4. Decluttering Helps You to Feel Lighter

Imagine a person who is walking around with a twenty-pound weight on their back at all times. This will impact the way they walk, feel and move throughout the world. They might have a bewildered or anxious countenance because of what they’re carrying.
Well, when your home or your personal life is cluttered, it can feel like a twenty-pound weight. When you’ve sorted through the clutter and created a plan to get rid of it all, you’ll feel a lot better. When the weight is completely off your back, you’ll move differently. Your stress level will decrease. You’ll feel like a brand-new person.

If you’ve ever watched hoarders go through the before-and-after process, you’ll see that their homes look completely different as a result of the makeover. The home feels lighter, transformed and beautiful. This is the power of decluttering.

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