Stress Relief

Use Reflexology to Relieve Your Stress

Use Reflexology to Relieve Your Stress Use Reflexology to Relieve Your Stress.

Reflexology is a form of natural treatment that has been linked to reducing stress, anxiety, and even depression in the body. This form of treatment uses your feet as the primary area of focus. The viewpoint is that the foot has pressure points which connect to different parts of the body. For example, there is an area near the arch of the foot that connects to the bladder, while another part of the foot may relate or connect to the nasal passages. If you are new to reflexology, but you want to try it for your stress, here are some ways you can use it.

Direct Stress Reflexology

The first stop on your self-induced reflexology journey is just under the ball of your foot. This pressure point deals directly with your diaphragm and with your stress. If you can’t do any other reflexology technique for your stress, this is the one to focus on.


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