Self Improvement

Find Out Why You Have Been Stuck

why you have been stuckBefore you get on your journey to getting unstuck and figuring out who you are and what to do next, you need to find out WHY you are stuck. There are many reasons people feel stuck in their lives, job, and relationships, but the reasons are going to be unique to you. Here are some easy methods for figuring out when it started, and common reasons why people feel stuck.

Do a Big Brain Dump in Your Journal

The first thing you can do to figure out why you feel so stuck right now is to write in your journal. This requires doing a brain dump, which is just writing anything and everything you are thinking about. Just start writing about whatever comes to your mind first, and try to get everything out. Talk about your fears, emotions, feelings, victories, thoughts, worries, and anxiety. Whether you are happy or sad, upset or thrilled, just get it all out on paper.


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