Green Juice
How To Make Green Juice in a Blender

Have you ever owned a juicing machine of any kind? When juicers first came on the scene, many of them were super expensive and clunky with all sorts of parts and an inconvenient cleaning process. Tons of people lost parts or stopped using their juicers altogether because of the cleaning regimen, so many companies have worked to revolutionize the designs.
But what if you don’t own a juicer at all? It turns out that with a small amount of effort, you can juice without a juicer at home. This article will show you how to make your green juice in a blender and explain why using a blender might be the better choice.
(more…)Tips for Creating Your Own Green Juice Recipes
Have you had a chance to try making a green juice yet? If you are well versed in searching on the internet, you will easily be able to find a staggering number of recipes that you can use to make some ultra-healthy drinks, but if you’re more the kind of person who wants to come up with their own drinks, then there are a few things that you’ll want to know before you get started on this journey.
As you follow along with the next few paragraphs, you’ll be leaning a few tips for creating green juice recipes.
A Few Details
At first glance it probably seems like a pretty easy task to pick out some food to juice, but things are not always as simple as they seem. Most foods can be bad for you when eaten in overtly large quantities, and this can be especially true of juicing because of the concentrated nature of the juicing process.